Experiencing Disorientation
As we have discussed there are some similarities between the condition known as Fibromyalgia and the condition known as M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). And one such similarity is that of experiencing disorientation.
What Causes Disorientation?
Disorientation can be caused by a number of factors of which – as always with Fibromyalgia – there is no known cure. Some individuals simply feel light headed when they stand up or experience a sensation of lights dancing in their eyes. These sensations are similar to those experienced during migraine headaches.When these symptoms occur it is best for the sufferer to sit down or lie down again and wait until the symptoms subside. More often than not the symptoms do subside within a few minutes.
Disorientation can also be caused by an inflammation of the lining of the brain. This is something more common with sufferers of M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) but it is also to be found – although not as often as in M.E sufferers – in Fibromyalgia patients.
Experiencing Disorientation
When an individual experiences disorientation it does not always mean they have no comprehension of where they are or what they have been doing. In the case of sufferers of Fibromyalgia or M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) it can equate to a sudden loss of balance, a feeling of nausea and a sharp headache which centres itself near the front of the head.This disorientation may last only for a few moments or anything up to an hour but it is important that if you do experience it you stop what you are doing straight away.
It cannot be emphasised enough that if you experience anything similar to the symptoms we have described that you stop working with heavy or dangerous machinery if you are doing so.
Consulting Your Doctor
You should consult your doctor as soon as these symptoms appear and give him or her as much information as you can in relation to the events which led up to the symptoms appearing and how long they lasted. Your doctor will ask you questions as to the nature of any medication or alcohol you may take and it is imperative that you any these questions as honestly as you can.Headaches and Migraines
Sometimes these symptoms of disorientation can be a pre-cursor to the onslaught of a migraine headache. Anyone who has ever suffered a migraine headache can tell you just how unpleasant and painful they can be and such headaches also affect balance and vision. Indeed many sufferers of Fibromyalgia tend to suffer from headaches and stress-related headaches such as migraine.Your doctor may be able to prescribe some medication for you for these headaches but undoubtedly your best course is to consult your pharmacist who will be able to offer advice as to which medication is best to alleviate the effects of a migraine headache.
For sufferers of such headaches lying down in a darkened room can often bring relief within a short time although some sufferers can have migraine headaches for days. Again if these headaches persist you should consult your doctor and give them as much information as you can relating to their symptoms and duration.