There are many individuals in the United Kingdom today who are suffering from the condition known as Fibromyalgia; however it is a condition that is difficult to diagnose and also difficult to monitor in terms of severity so therefore it is a condition that is difficult to legislate for when it comes to awarding benefits.
I Have Fibromyalgia what am I entitled to?
As a sufferer of Fibromyalgia you may be entitled to some additional benefits such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and in extreme circumstances Mobility but you must prove beyond any reasonable doubt that (a) you suffer from the condition and (b) it makes your life difficult if not intolerable.
Unfortunately Fibromyalgia - just like M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) - is a condition that many people do not know a great deal about. Indeed as well as this both conditions are often misdiagnosed and mistaken for each other. In addition to this both conditions are such that many would not know if you suffered from them unless they were family or you chose to tell them.
This leads us into the territory of an illness that does not need to have a bandage or plaster put on it; indeed it is an illness that is often unseen and unspoken about.
How Should I Claim Benefits if I Have Fibromyalgia?
Again the biggest down side to claiming benefits for a condition such as Fibromyalgia or M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) is that it cannot be seen and is often difficult to diagnose because of the wide variety of symptoms that can occur. You can only make a positive claim for benefits if your doctor has diagnosed you as having either Fibromyalgia or M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and this is something that can take quite some time.
Both conditions are such that they have - as we have already pointed out - a wide range of symptoms and therefore have to be thoroughly tested before a diagnosis can be decided upon. Indeed some sufferers can find they have to wait upwards of two years before a final diagnosis is agreed upon and only then this happens after you have seen specialists, consultants and had numerous consultations with your doctor.
You should be aware that claiming benefits for such a condition will mean that you will have to be means tested - this means that the benefits agency responsible for issuing benefits for you may ask you to see an independent doctor or consultant who may - if they think it is necessary - visit you in your own home to assess your level of physical activity.
If My Claim is Disallowed Can I Appeal?
Yes everyone who applies for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Mobility may appeal their decision if they feel they have been unfairly refused. You should be aware however that this process may also take some months and may also involve assessments and meetings with independent consultants and specialists.
You should also be aware that there is no guarantee that your claim may be upheld. You should, before applying for any benefits, make sure that as far as your doctor is concerned, the diagnosis he or she has made is as accurate as it can be.
It is also worth consulting with an independent specialist yourself - if you can afford to do so - in order to establish that your doctor's diagnosis is correct.
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I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I suffer terribly with fatigue. I have recently started a less physical and stressful job but the fatigue is just so overwhelming. Would I be able to claim any benefits. I've always worked and I try and stay active but the fatigue just seems to be getting worse. Going part time could be an option but only if I'm able to get some help with benefits. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Lele - 27-Oct-20 @ 12:52 PM
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2013 and have always worked that is until 24th June this year. I have no idea if I am able to claim anything or even where to start. I don't go to the doctors very often or take much if any medication as it makes me feel worse. Any advice or a pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated
Sue - 14-Jul-20 @ 9:33 AM
I've been recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia been suffering over a year now and seems to be getting worse ?? I'm struggling to keep my job of 24years in retail , can I get help with benefits s
Pisces - 6-Jul-20 @ 10:09 PM
Hi. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 5 months ago but have been suffering with the fatigue and joint pain for longer, I also have oesteoarthris which I've had for about 10 years.I am also a cleaner,I clean private houses in my village,I use to clean 8 houses a week and each house was 2 hours ,I'm now doing one house a week for 2 hours.I've recently applied for PIP, had the assessment but was turned down. Why?
Wheelie - 30-Jan-20 @ 11:58 AM
Hi I’m in my 50s, I work full time. All I can do when I get back from work is go to bed, I also have to rest most of Saturday. I wake to
pass water three or four times at night and I’m often in pain in my feet, knees, hips and shoulders. I’m overweight. I find it hard to concentrate and I’m forgettful. I am sure that with these symptoms I would get a diagnosis of FM. What are the chances of getting benefits that would enable me to give up work? This life is just so hard.
Prissa - 23-Sep-19 @ 3:55 PM
Hi 5 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I also have crohn's disease and angina and had a TIA I also have osteo arthritis and RA. I was awarded the higher rate of DLA mobility years ago. Can I claim any other benefit as I struggle to do many household jobs now. I'm 73 years old. Thank you.
Mo - 4-Sep-19 @ 1:52 PM
Took less than a week from 'medical assement' to decide I was fit to work, told I'll still get universal credit (as I've been signed off). Going for a mandatory decision, got my assessment couldn'tbelieve the crap that had been written. The assessors have no understanding of fibromyalgia, it's a condition that's been passed by house of lords as a disability. . . . . Maybe it's time sufferers start petioning local mp's
Jm - 23-Aug-19 @ 10:26 PM
Iv had ME for more than 15 yrs and recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have found work very difficult and recently applied for pip but was refused.
What else can I apply for as it's getting worse day by day
Master - 1-Aug-19 @ 5:15 AM
I have Fibromyalgia and Osteo Arthritis. I have had to give up 4 jobs since 2012, due to constant fatigue and pain>I now work 17.5 hours a week as a cleaner.Am I entitled to any benefits?
Ellie - 3-Jul-19 @ 6:53 PM
Hi I really need some help my mother is so beaten down by her illness she also has fibromyalgia. She's been suffering with it for years but only just got diagnosed with it after many trips the the doctors countless testing pain patches that she got addicted too. Also injection Never mind how many tables they gave her. Tried everything acupuncture and sports injury masseuse. She's got to a point where it's over taking my mother and it's heartbreaking to see. That she has to work because she can not get any help. She fought 5 years to find out what is wrong with her. And now with no help she struggles to get out of bed for work she sleeps 3 for 3 hours a night because of the pain or her legs twitching.and now the sick day Which like any employee gets annoyed about the endless sick days. I have no idea what to do but I can't see my mum suffering like this. And I'm sorry to anyone else out there who is suffering with this illness too. I desperately need help....
Toequilla - 20-May-19 @ 11:58 PM
Hi I'm at my whits end..diagnosed with fibromyalgia 4yrs ago... I've slowly reduced my working hours over the past 2 years.. I had a flare up recently due to added stress I seem to be penalised because of it..i work in retail and we have a new manager who is not happy that I can't work evenings due to my fibro.. I've worked there for 23yrs as a supervisor and am now being victimised due to my fibro.. Im trying to stay at work but its difficult,, what am I entitled to benifit wise
Bb - 9-May-19 @ 9:19 PM
I have arthritis and plus fibromyalgia to in lots off pain to can you get high rate off pip?
Jules - 14-Mar-19 @ 1:07 PM
Have had fibo for about 5 years but just been diagnosed, also got Raynaud's, still manage to work full time with a struggle the college were I work are very supportive. Thinking of making a DWP claim will see what happens.
Lamby - 11-Feb-19 @ 10:29 AM
I am about to be dismissed from my job with the Local Authority who I have worked for, for just over 30 years. On the grounds I am unfit to carry out my job. This is backed up by an occupational health Doctor. I am beside myself with worry as I have a mortgage and other financial commitments. I have a work pension which I've requested I have access to but due to being under 50, I'm 47 I'm worried will be refused. After more than20 years of suffering and muddling on I've just had the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. My concerns are that this is still fairly newly recognised under the equality act I may well be refused my pension.i am starting to stress really badly which is massively affecting the FM. I'm spiralling downward and the future looks really bleak.
I've read PIP can be applied for and maybe ESA but I've never claimed anything in my lifetime fe and don't no where to turn. Please could anyone give me a ray of desperate.
Dopeycc - 6-Dec-18 @ 6:55 PM
Hello,my sister went to assessment for pip,but Friday just gone got a letter saying that I'm not entitled to sister came with me,when I was assessed and explain to them,that I'm in severe pain and spend days in bed,needs help from my mum and help from my sister.cause I walked to the assessment room they turn me sister will be writing a letter of complaint,to them.and also write to my MP.
Pigeon - 4-Dec-18 @ 7:48 PM
I have had fibro for 6 years now. I am in bed now with pain and fatigueI also am getting over neck cancer and treatment .I can't claim universal credit as my husband works . My mandatory reconsideration for my pip has just been turned down . Long list of reasons why but basically made me out to be a liar and said I looked well.Wouldn't say that if they could see me today.Should I appeal which could take up to a year or start a new claim. Any advice would be appreciated.
Ali - 12-Oct-18 @ 10:44 AM
@Helpothers2 - thanks for this information - it helps not to feel so alone and that there is something we can do to make things better for ourselves rather than just self-medicate with painkillers. Have you found anything that particularly works for you?
DebsV - 7-Sep-18 @ 3:29 PM
Hi everyone. So sorry to hear how difficult it is living and coping sith fibromyalgia. I was disgnosed 2003 after a few years of various tests. Flare uos are awful and made worse with stress!Can I encourage you to visit a website called "Health unlocked Fibromyalgia" I believe Fibromyalgia Uk is connected with this. It have lots of people sharing help and information about all sorts of things especially medication and claiming benefits. It is a very supportive site.
Also can I encourage you to get a book called "Treating and beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" by Dr Murphree Amazon about £18. Very informative and gives a lot of natural ways to help ourselves. I started using 5HTP which naturally boosts Serotonin and melotonin to help reduce pain and improve sleep.
Hope this helps someone. Take care ??
Helpothers2 - 7-Sep-18 @ 1:20 PM
PIP UPDATE - A month or so ago I posted on here what my PIP assessor told me in relation to my FM diagnosis and how it is perceived with suspicion by the DWP. I have long term Parkinson's Disease (PD) and the first thing my PIP Health Professional/Assessor did when she saw me and my PD symptoms was apologise for me having to attend a face-to-face consultation in the first place. I have just received my PIP assessment report and scores and was awarded enhanced rate for both components as I was under the old DLA system.However, what I noticed from my assessment score, and I as expected, was I received zero points for my FM symptoms. I recently read the DWP recognises FM as a legitimate health condition however, "recognising"it is one thing but accepting it as a being sufficiently disabling to award PIP is clearly something that will sadly not be the case for most.
Jonesey - 8-Jul-18 @ 10:42 PM
I attended my PIP assessment earlier this week.I have long term Parkinson's Disease (diagnosed 15 years ago).Last year I noticed my pain had become more than I experienced in the past.I see my Consultant every 6 months and I hadn't been to my GP practice for 5 years but on this occasion I saw a young locum GP who diagnosed FM which was something I'd never heard of.In truth, the additional pain I experience with FM is NOTHING compared to life with Parkinson's so I called the DWP asking them if I should even mention FM on my claim form as if the pain from this FM was all I suffered with I would be back in the real world, still doing my old job and getting on with life and wouldn't even consider trying to claim a "disability" benefit (I continued working full time for 8 years after I was diagnosed with Parkinson's).I was told PIP assessment providers, like the majority of the medical profession, do not recognise FM as a genuine illness and they advised me NOT to.I discussed FM with my Health Professional at my PIP assessment and she told me it simply was either not taken seriously or not believed and awarding disability benefits for FM, a condition that can be easily faked as there are no clinical tests and diagnosis is based on opinion only, would open the floodgates for the workshy scroungers and fakers the DWP are currently attempting to weed out with their shift from DLA to PIP targeted at the millions of others who currently claim trillions of pounds who are more than capable of pulling their weight and paying their way in life, but pretend otherwise.Not my words.
Jonesy - 8-Jun-18 @ 8:33 PM
I am a carer for old and disabled people and was able to do 6 days a week work. My health has dramatically deteriorated in the past year and since been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I can manage 2 days at best and left bed ridden for the next 3 days, my income has significantly dropped because of my symptoms and I have 2 young children that i have to care for and I feel guilty for not being able to do what I use to do. I applied for pip, only to be called a liar. My depression is at an all time low and feel I have no one to talk to regarding these issues.
Chrissy - 7-Jun-18 @ 10:43 AM
I was diagnosed by a specialist in 2015 , i was a manager of a shop an couldnt cope with it an home life as my fibro was getting worse . Nov 11th 2017 i went down hill dramaticly i was 11.1 stone an now im 8stone 4 , esa said i was fit for work and took me off their books , i have suffered badly with my throat and breathing through all of this and only just recently been able to claim universal credit , they are also sending me to see if im fit for work , i lost all fat on my body an muscle mass with not being able to eat proper foods till this day . I have a ten year old who has watched me suffer an struggle to try an get better along with going without because of the DWP . I dont want to not work but i cannot do it anymore as my body will not allow me im fed up of being in pain and not being able to do much because of fibro but it is soo unfair how we are treated just because we look normal but arnt .
Twiggy - 29-Mar-18 @ 10:15 PM
I have frymilogiea and depressing I’m I intiteld to pip benefits
Mary - 28-Feb-18 @ 1:49 PM
I want to put in a claim for p.i.p. i suffer from fibromyalgia for 20 years. It was diagnosed by a reumatologist. Past attempts to get p.i.p have failed. I am in so much pain and bed ridden with little ability to get on with day to day tasks
Nina - 7-Feb-18 @ 1:55 PM
I was diagnosed with Fibromagia in 2016 and I have been working through the pain flare ups,Iwas lucky I hadan understanding manger, but after she leftlast year,I was dismissed by the new on that came in I was told that I was unfit to work, right now am on ESA can someone tell me how I can get DLA please
mati - 8-Jan-18 @ 8:16 PM
Utterly terrified to start this process, I am now at the point where my manager has agreed that there has been such a drastic change in my health over the last year that I cannot fulfil my job.
I fear for the life of any assessor who ridicules and belittles me as I've suffered past the point of sanity.
starwalker - 3-Jan-18 @ 10:55 AM
This is a message for all mainly to wife had all of the symptoms you have,because her mum died early of Myaloma she decided to have a blood test making sure she didn’t have the same,it was lucky she did she was found to have excess iron in her blood,because she had picked up a gene from her parents which causes Haemochromatosis,the excess blood collects to the liver,heart,brain etc....... the only cure is having blood taken at least once a week to remove iron from the body,it is called the silent killer,so it seems Fybromyalgia and arthritis go hand in hand with Haemochromatosis get a serum ferritin blood test,not just Lizz but you should all think about it look it up and read the groups comments from all over the world.
Mendipman - 19-Dec-17 @ 1:03 PM
Hi I have fibromyalgia,under active thyroid and B12 deficiency also I have arthritic hands and have regular cortisone injections. I was assessed for PIP and only gained 4 points I have been on DLA for the last ten years I’m 67 years old. The Asos assessor said she had given me a muskeletor examination which was untrue and also the assessment took 2 hours when it was only 20minuites. I have applied for a mandatory consideration if this is unsuccessful can you help me in any way.
Lizz - 22-Oct-17 @ 8:56 PM
I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia not long ago. I did ask to get moved to the support group onESA due to the severe effects it has on my day to day living. I got denied and put in the wrag group.
I also had to "redo" my PiP claim. I had low rate of living.
I have now found out that that has been denied as well and I'm not entitled to any benefits.
Even tho my health is WORSE now
Then it was then.
Please help! What should i do next?
Where can I get help with appeals for not ESA and PiP?
I have become very depressed due to all of this as well. And now I'm seeing a specialist regarding that. High blood pressure is also due to all of this stress. Not to mention all the fibro flare ups!
I have never been depressed my entire life before. And I'm on sue dial watch currently (need to contact my doctor every other day, and report to my specialist every day). This is until I can get proper help for my mental health.
So please. If any one knows any direction on where I should turn? Where I can get help for being what I feel discriminated because I have fibromyalgia and NOT a illness they can see.
/many thanks in advance Therese
Therese - 19-Sep-17 @ 1:38 PM
Hi I am 71 years old and suffer from fibromyalgia, anginaI have an Illeostomy for Crohn's disease and have had a mini stroke. I currently get higher rate of mobility allowance and was wondering if there is any other benefit I should claim. Thanks
barmie Re: Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
I have not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia as such. The doc thinks it is, I have been put on antidepressants. To quote him ,…
Re: Benefits and Allowances for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Having read all the comments here. I’m very discouraged. I don’t think I’ll be putting myself through…
Re: Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
I have not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia as such. The doc thinks it is, I have been put on antidepressants. To quote him ,…
Re: Reading Aids and Fibromyalgia Syndrome